Myth vs. Facts: What Parents Need to Know About Drowning and Drowning Prevention

After a near-drowning incident involving our children and learning about many tragic cases, the MYLO team developed an anti-drowning detection solution to give pool owners extra protection. Over time, we’ve encountered numerous myths about drowning that create a false sense of security. This article aims to debunk some widespread misconceptions we hope can protect your loved ones.

Myth: Drowning is always accompanied by loud splashing and cries for help.

Fact: Drowning often happens quickly and quietly, in as little as 20-60 seconds. Individuals rarely thrash wildly in the water; instead, they might remain motionless and quickly slip beneath the surface. This phenomenon, known as “silent drowning,” is particularly prevalent in infants, making it difficult to detect.

Myth: Drowning only occurs in large bodies of water.

Fact: Drowning can happen in pools, bathtubs, large bodies of water, or even rain-filled buckets. Young children are especially vulnerable, with drowning being the leading cause of death among infants aged 1 to 4 according to the National Drowning Prevention Alliance (NDPA).

Myth: An adult’s presence guarantees a child's safety near water.

Fact: Despite adult supervision, 88% of child drownings occur with at least one adult present, and 70% of toddler drownings occur during non-swim times, such as bath time. Most infant drownings happen within five minutes of a lapse in supervision.

Myth: Only those who can’t swim are at risk of drowning.

Fact: No! Even swimmers can drown, especially at a young age. The fact a 4-year-old child knows how to swim should not lull us into a false sense of security, because children may struggle to handle stressful situations in the water.Even proficient adult swimmers face a drowning risk. Because panic, alcohol consumption, concussions, seizures, or heart attacks while in the pool can all increase the risk of drowning.

Myth: Drowning is always fatal.

Fact: Many drowning incidents do not result in death but can still cause serious injuries. For children, irreversible damage to the brain tissues typically occurs after about 4-5 minutes without oxygen, (for adults it is after about 3-4 minutes). Other near-drowning complications may include pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or brain damage. 

The good news is MYLO’s AI-powered drowning detection system can identify when a person is sinking under the water. When this happens, it sets off a series of escalating alarms within seconds that give pool owners (and people around the pool) ample time to remove the drowning person from the water and start CPR. Quick response and rescue significantly increase the chances of someone surviving a near-drowning with minimal damage.

Myth: Near-drowning victims don't need medical attention.

Fact: Near-drowning occurs when someone is unable to breathe underwater for an extended period, leading to the potential shutdown of major body systems. Near-drowning victims require immediate medical attention to prevent additional health complications.

Myth: Cases of drowning are rare.

Fact: Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death, accounting for 7% of all injury-related deaths. In the U.S., it is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children aged 1-14, with an estimated 4,000 drowning-related fatalities each year.

How does MYLO Help Prevent Drowning or Near-Drowning?

As we’ve seen, drowning, especially in children under 5, doesn’t always involve loud splashing or visible distress. MYLO’s AI-powered cameras know how to detect immobility underwater – a possible indication of “silent drowning” – and issues an alert after 15 seconds, allowing for a wide range of actions that can reduce the risk of serious injury and save lives. But remember, while pool alarm technologies like MYLO provide extra layers of protection, they cannot replace the need for vigilant adult supervision near water. Enjoy your pool, safely!

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